Fashion for Your Skin

by in Blog, Health Tips February 10, 2016

Are you ready for healthy skin Fun fashion trends are quickly emerging, and they are hot! This spring, enjoy chiffons, silks, and stripes that show off those sleek legs and sexy shoulders.  The slip dress has even made a comeback and it’s slinkier and sassier than ever! Before you head out on that spring shopping […]

Who Should You Trust to Administer Botox?

by in Blog, Health Tips, Spa Treatments January 18, 2016

Everyone’s doing it…Botox, that is! Data provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons indicates that Botox procedures remain the most popular nonsurgical cosmetic procedure in the United States. With that popularity comes an awe-inspiring number of practitioners currently providing Botox treatments. How do you know who should be trusted to perform such a delicate […]

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