Halo Plasma Lift

Neogen Skin Rejuvenation

Turn back the hands of time and restore your collagen & elastin!

Halo Plasma Lift is a breakthrough rejuvenation treatment new to the US and Blue Halo is proud to be the first to bring the Neogen PSR technology to Kentucky. Unlike lasers that treat a specific chromophore (target) per device, or are fractionated (only treat part of the skin). The Halo Plasma Lift uses plasma to treat the whole architecture of the skin, to dramatically help fine lines, wrinkles, elasticity, pigmentation, scarring, and more, all in one treatment, leading to a near-flawless skin. You can have a one and done approach for deep tissue heating and significant results with more downtime, or multiple low energy treatments, spread out with none to little social downtime. In the end, the whole skin is rebuild leading to the most perfect you possible.

Areas of Treatment

Benefits of Treatment

How it Works

Plasma energy is derived from excited nitrogen gas and this plasma is different than treatments involving blood plasma. During your Halo PLASMA Lift (NeoGen PSR) treatment, the surface of the skin is heated up with a device that delivers energy pulses that appear to singe the skin’s surface. Immediately after the treatment, your face appears red and then it will change to brown over a few days and a thin layer will peel off. Halo PLASMA Lift (NeoGen PSR) plasma preserves the skin’s outer layer which acts as a natural protective dressing until your new healthy skin forms over 7-14 Days. Surface improvements will appear quickly, and deep dermal collagen remodeling continues for months to years.

The Results

The results from the NeoGen™ PSR procedure are significant. An individual can expect improvement with texture and tone on even the first treatment with minimal discomfort. Through the course of several weeks and months, new “baby” skin begins to surface. Studies have shown that the NeoGen™ PSR treatment promotes ongoing improvements in collagen regeneration continuing for up to a year after treatment. Results are firmer, more youthful-looking skin, tightening of the upper and lower eyelids, and improvement in fine lines, wrinkles, and dark eye circles.

Frequently Asked Questions

It resurfaces the full surface of the skin treating common concerns such as:

  • uneven pigmentation and age spots
  • fine lines
  • deep wrinkles
  • acne scars
  • laxity
  • loose eyelid skin (upper and lower)

Just one Halo PLASMA Lift (Halo PLASMA Lift (NeoGen PSR)) treatment will significantly improve skin quality. It is unique in its ability to safely treat the upper and lower eyelids resulting it what many people describe as a “non-surgical blepharoplasty”. Unlike laser procedures which require corneal shields, the plasma energy delivered to the eyelid tissue does not penetrate through to the cornea making this incredibly safe. The results are consistent and dramatic leaving you with a natural more refreshed appearance.

The NeoGen™ PSR offers nitrogen plasma technology that will control the heat on the skin to create a physiological response without the skin needing to be opened.

Dissimilarly to other ablative technologies, the NeoGen™ PSR system doesn’t have a charring time for treatment nor epidermal vaporization (burning off the surface of the skin). This unique technology will turn nitrogen gas into plasma energy to quickly heat the tissue and transfer the unique thermal energy to tissue. You don’t have to worry about open wounds because it uses your skin as a natural barrier and creates skin that’s healthier. Additionally, it treats the skin as a structure that needs to be regenerated (most lasers are fractionated, only treating parts of the skin), so you don’t have to worry about any of the skin being untreated. With significant tightening and long-term results, the NeoGen™ PSR will use plasma to treat the entire skin architecture in a versatile manner that will fit the lifestyle and the needs of the patient. Lastly, the plasma is not chromophore specific like lasers (targeting only pigment, or wrinkles, or elasticity), and instead treats it all with a single treatment.

Some skin types and tones may not be suited to the treatment as it could result in permanent hyperpigmentation or scarring. A consultation will determine whether Halo PLASMA Lift (NeoGen PSR) is right for you but works well for most skin types.

The most common side effects of Halo PLASMA Lift (NeoGen PSR) treatment are peeling, redness, swelling, and temporary hyperpigmentation. These are all normal stages of the healing process after treatment. Swelling can be treated with ice packs and cold compresses.

Although, it is recommended to avoid lengthy cooling of the skin or anti-inflammatory medication for best results.

Plasma skin tightening is safe and non-invasive. The treatment results in only minor side effects which should last no more than 10-14 days.

Be sure to follow aftercare instructions carefully and avoid sun exposure as your skin heals from Halo PLASMA Lift (NeoGen PSR).

The results from the NeoGen™ PSR procedure are significant. An individual can expect improvement with texture and tone on even the first treatment with minimal discomfort. Through the course of several weeks and months, new “baby” skin begins to surface. Studies have shown that the NeoGen™ PSR treatment promotes ongoing improvements in collagen regeneration continuing for up to a year after treatment. Results are firmer, more youthful-looking skin, tightening of the upper and lower eyelids, and improvement in fine lines, wrinkles, and dark eye circles.

Depending on the depth of the treatment, and how well the individual’s skin is previously conditioned, the downtime can vary. Typically, the client will experience 7-14 days of social downtime. People can expect to peel significantly for several days after the treatment.

Tighten, lift and resurface with plasma energy

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