The First & Only Injectable Double Chin Treatment | KYBELLA®

Injectable Artistry – Kybella

Blue Halo Med Spa - Injectable Artistry - Kybella

Kybella is a permanent solution for stubborn chin fat or "double chin," most often caused by genetics.

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that provides a reliable remedy for double chins. It’s the only FDA-approved injectable method for destroying fat cells, although it’s used almost exclusively for submental fat deposits for the time being.

Areas of Treatment

How it Works

Deoxycholic acid is a bile acid, naturally produced by your body to help absorb fat. Kybella injections use a synthetic form of this as an injection. Once injected, the acid destroys fat cells beneath the chin area so it can’t store fat anymore.

The Results

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You have a diet- and exercise-resistant double chin
  • You don't want to have surgery
  • Your skin is in good condition
  • You're at a stable weight

For most patients, six treatments produce ideal results that can last permanently. After your final injections, it may take up to a month for your results to appear completely. You should notice that your double chin is significantly reduced or eliminated.

Treatment cost varies and depends on the amount of volume correction needed based on the unique needs of every patient. Treatments can be done in small increments or in combination with other therapy. We invite you to a complimentary consultation and are excited to help you reach your skincare goals in the safest and most affordable way possible. We offer packages, memberships, and financing for all services we perform.

While swelling from Kybella is a normal side effect, it can still cause some discomfort and become an overall inconvenience. The good news is that the swelling is temporary. The overall recovery timeline is about one month according to Allergan, the company that makes Kybella.

Liposuction and skin tightening such as with Renuvion is a slightly more invasive treatment option and usually only requires one treatment to achieve optimal results. Blue Halo also offers liposuction in its office at the Shelbyville Road location in Middletown, Ky.

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