Understanding Salt Therapy
Why Salt Therapy (Halo therapy)
Today, more and more people are suffering from respiratory issues. From pollution and smog to airborne diseases, pollens and toxins, never before has society been faced with a growing epidemic of respiratory ailments. Salt Therapy also enhances and impacts various skin conditions. Salt Therapy has been researched over the past few decades and even centuries as proven to be a safe alternative and compliments other treatments to produce sustainable results.
About Dry Salt Therapy
Most people are familiar with ‘wet’ salt therapy. Whether you’ve put salt in a bath or have had a saline solution treatment or have used a Nettie pot to clear your nasal passages or gargled with salt water, wet salt has its benefits. Dry salt is different and the drier the salt the better. That is why protocols include heating the salt prior to putting it into the salt room. Heat ensures that all moisture is evaporated so when it is crushed and grinded into micro particles and inhaled, the salt particles can do their best job.
How does it work?
Dry pharmaceutical grade salt is heated and then it is grinded and crushed into very tiny micro particles.
These dry aerosol micro-particles of salt are then dispersed into the Salt Room during a typical session. As the person relaxes in the Salt Room, the micro particles
are inhaled. The particles penetrate deep into the lungs, bronchi, bronchioles and
alveoli. While inside the Salt Room, the non-inhaled salt particles fall onto the skin.
Why It Works? Lung
The inhaled salt has bactericide, mucokinetic, hydrophilic and anti-inflammatory properties, which results in reduced inflammation in the entire respiratory tract, widening of the airway passages, accelerated transport of mucus, elimination of residual tar and foreign allergens, and an improved immune system. Dry salt is super absorbent and acts like a sponge attracting foreign substance along its path through the respiratory tract. The dry salt acts like a toothbrush and cleans through the respiratory system removing build-up of foreign elements that cause various respiratory ailments and conditions.
Why It Works? Skin
The micro-particles of salt have a beneficial influence to the integument system (skin protective layer) and hairs providing healing and cosmetic effects. This increases activity of skin cell ion channels and activates electrophysiological activity that determines the skin’s protective properties. The salt provides PH normalization and induces reparative and regenerative processes in derma, increases skin rigidity, stimulates growth and improves hair health. The dry salt impacts the skin microcirculation and assists cellular membrane activity used in dermatology and cosmetology and enhances their effectiveness.
Why It Works? Overall Wellness
Ions are atoms or molecules that take on an electrical charge. In today’s modern and technological world we have too many positive ions and not enough negative ions. Air conditioning, forced-air heat, chemicals and even winds, rob the air of negative ions and put too many positive ions into the air. Heated salt crystals naturally create negative particles, so salt rooms can have high concentrations of negative particles. Over 40 years of research shows that treatment of negative ions can dramatically increase energy, mental alertness, reduce stress and provide an enhanced overall sense of well-being.
Who Benefits: Lung
Dry salt therapy benefits people with various respiratory conditions:-Allergies -Pneumonia
-Asthma -Rhinitis-Bronchitis -Sinus Infections-Bronchial Infections -Sinusitis-Cold and Flu -Smoker’s Cough-COPD -Snoring-Cystic Fibrosis -Stress & Fatigue-Emphysema –Wheezing
Who Benefits: Skin
Dry salt therapy benefits people with various skin conditions:-Psoriasis -Itching-Eczema -Swelling & Inflammation-Dermatitis -Dry & Flaky Skin-Acne -Rashes-Rosacea -Skin Aging
Who Else Benefits
Given how dry salt therapy works, it also:-Can expand the airways for increased oxygen flow and capacity to enhance athletic performance and endurance-Enable better recovery time from physical activity and stress-Accelerate recovery from common colds and the flu-Revitalize jet lag-Slow the aging process-Detoxification-Rehabilitation.